Sunday, May 17, 2009

Type of communications

This is the second week of my Human Communication lesson. I think I had got a brief introduction about communication and how a better communication can be constructing. Besides found that the lesson which we had on last Thursday during our tutorial class was quite interesting. I still remembered that during last tutorial class, we were required to do a simple presentation about the noun we got and related it to what we had learnt during the lectures.

Unfortunately, the noun that we had was "DOORKNOB". When we got this noun, we were started to think about this noun in our mind. We started to ask ourselves about questions like "What can we say about doorknob?" and "Isn't that a doorknob is just a non-living things and how it can be related to human communication?" and during that time an intrapersonal communication had took place. While others were still thinking quietly about the noun, I and Xin Yi started to have a dyadic communication that involved only two of us. I asked her about the topic and both of us had tried to make a story that is relevant to our course.

Then, our group started to discuss about the topic. At that moment, a small group communication had carried out. Everyone contributed their own opinion about "doorknob" and at last we had an idea about the presentation. We were the first group to present. While we were presenting, other groups were required to listen and debate on our topic. A public communication was taking place when we talked about our topic in front of everyone. There were about six groups presented and they had made it successfully.
In conclusion, I found that different types of communications can take place at everywhere and every time. Besides, the tutorial class was interesting. We can carry out different types of communications during the class. I look forward to next human communication class.

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