Tuesday, May 12, 2009

First week of human comm lessons

Communications between individuals exist all around us. Like what had happened during our very first class for the subject of Human Communications. We had an ice-breaking session that day, where we were told to ask our follow classmates about their reasons for taking up the subject of Human Comm. We were required to interview a random person in class in order to gather those information.

Looking around and observing, I noticed many forms of communications taking place. From the dyadic form of a conversation between two people interviewing one another, such as myself and the others in the classroom, to the intrapersonal side of communication where I kept asking myself questions like 'Who should I interview?', 'What should I say?' or 'Why is half the class wearing red T-shirts today?'

Those were just some the questions I had floating inside my mind that very day. Right after the interviews were done, other forms of communications took place. The prodding questions of Mr.Murali our lecturer being one of them, as well as the replies of the students who were told to voice out their findings from their interviews. Answers were both interesting and and revealing at the same time. These answers left most in the classroom with a very positive first-impressions of our new classmates.

It is amazing to think that almost any form of communication just happens by themselves regardless of the amount of interaction taking place, and this just makes for a very interesting semester of Human Comm lessons for the weeks to come.

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