Sunday, May 24, 2009

Meanings of a WORD

Language is a verbal symbol system that allows us to take messages and utterances, in the form of words, and translate them into meaning. Besides, the meaning of a word or language is not depends on the word, but is rather in the way that people make sense of it.

Yesterday during my critical thinking skill tutorial, we were asked to get into a group of three. Then, we asked to give definitions of eight different words. The most difficult word that we came across was “blues”. Normally the meaning of “blues” that we commonly know is the word is use to describe the color of the cloudless sky.

However, during our discussion, we were almost argued for the meaning of the word. This is because “blues” can actually have a lot of different meanings. For examples, it can use to describe the feeling of depression. It can also use to show unexpectedly. Beside this word, the “dog” means “a canine creature that brings love and warmth to a human family”. On the other hand, it can also carry a totally opposite extreme meaning which is use to describe something that is worthless or of poor quality, a despicable person, or an ugly person. Maybe in different situation, we can use the word “dog” to describe a person that you dislike other than just use to describe a lovely pet.

In conclusion, the meanings of a word are in people, and it is depend on when and where is the situation it should be used rather than on the word itself.

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