Sunday, May 17, 2009

A humans preception towards the truth

The media in my humble opinion is one of the most effective channels that people use today to promote and market both new and existing ideas as well as products to the public. It is also a very good medium in which individuals or societies can use to manipulate certain facts and exploit them to their own advantage.

Such is the simplicity of the human mind, that it often perceives that what has been seen and heard the for the first time as the truth. More often than not, this is done without a second thought towards the subject. Realizing this, a telecommunications company by the name of Digi has greatly used, or shall I say, taken advantage of the persuasive power of the media to generate a steady stream of income for themselves. You might say that im talking a load of rubbish, but I do have a point to prove to you here. So please, hear me out.

Im sure lately you've seen the advertisements made by Digi with the song 'I Will Follow You' being played over and over again in the background with a person of unknown gender dressed up ridiculously in a yellow suit faithfully following every Digi user wherever they go. While this advertisement clearly shows the intentions of their product, whereby its users will get good connectivity for their mobile phones no matter where they are, it certainly is anything but the truth. In fact, this is all just a big fat marketing lie. The truth is that Digi has one of the poorest phone connectivity receptions in the country. Yet, despite knowing this, many of its users still remain faithful towards the service that Digi provides just because they wholeheartedly believed what was laid before their eyes when the advertisement was being played.

Such a case would go on to prove that the amount of influence that the media has over the people in terms of persuasion as well as manipulating the truth in the field of communications. Now, Digi is not the only one thats responsible for abusing the usage of the media, many other people in different fields of occupations do it too. From fashion designers who want to promote their flawed new designs, to politicians that mislead people by creating situations where they would gain the most votes or favours from them, it is prevalent all around us.

Nevertheless, it is also up to us to learn to be judgemental towards such claims being displayed in the media. For we as human beings were given the gift of rationalization. As such, we should use it to its fullest extent in an effort to recognize the fact from the fiction and to withhold all initial perceptions towards the subject without the element of bias until the truth has been uncovered.

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