Wednesday, May 27, 2009


When there's gloom and doom all around us, what do we do to make ourselves feel better? We smile of course! Yes, by just simply contracting those cheek muscles of ours, the world would just seem like a better place in an instant.
Smiling is one the simplest forms of non verbal communication known to mankind. Studies have shown that by merely smiling, our bodies would release feel-good hormones within us akin to when a laugh is being made. This in turn leads to us feeling a sense of satisfaction and joy whenever we do it.

A smile can also do wonders in a situation when someone is really sad or depressed, as it is contagious as well healing both at the same time. There is just something in us all that makes us feel great whenever we see other people, even strangers, that smile whenever we catch a glimpse of it on their faces.

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