Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Beautiful Game

One of the most popular game in the world, football. Played almost everywhere at anytime, from the bushland of Australia, to the back alleys of Paris, even in the humble kampungs of Malaysia. It is a game that breaks down the social barriers of society and has the uncanny ability to unify people irregardless of race and creed. Not to mention, it is also a sport that truly epitomises the human expression of emotions.

Ever notice that whenever a conversation about football begins, fans would often refer to their favourite team with words like 'our team', such as 'our team thrashed your team yesterday'. Is is this sort of close association with their favourite team that really brings about a sense of unity amongst fans of the sport. A true fan would travel half the world just to watch their team play, cheer their team on when they are losing, jump for joy like a maniac whenever a goal is scored, fans can be so loyal even to the extent of crying when their team loses and in extreme cases, committing suicide when the loss becomes unbearable.

The amount of affiliation that the fans have over their team, combine with the pride and joy of being associated with them, is just a very basic human need of being recognized. Man, since time immemorial has always wanted to be the 'nail that sticks out'. By being able to associate themselves with their team, they can in a way, indirectly attain a sense of belonging while getting recognition all at the same time.

This feeling of belonging, is further exemplified by the players on the pitch. Many of them play for their teams with their hearts on their sleeves, often, they would literally put their heads in the line of duty while playing for their team when clearing a goal bound shot or just to make sure possession of the ball doesn't fall to the opposition. However, the proof that both players and fans alike are 'one with their team' is clearly showed for all to see. That is whenever a winning goal is scored. The eruption of emotions that precedes it is just mind-boggling! At times, 90 minutes of pure compressed tension just waiting for that winning goal pops when the ball is put behind the net by a player. The ecstasy of seeing the players and fans alike celebrating, full of passion and desire is really a sight to behold and goes on to prove that football, truly is The Beautiful Game.

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