Sunday, May 31, 2009

Listening VS Hearing

We often judge others on the first sight. Then, we will have a lot of either good or bad impression about the person in our mind. This can actually affect our communication with the person because within a communication, we will have to speak to the person or listen to what he/she says.

And this can be very irrational. When we don’t like a person, we will often shut our ears automatically without trying to listen what the person says. This happened to me every time. When I am in a bad mood, I will definitely keep quiet and refuse to communicate to others.

Moreover, what others tell me, I will just simply hearing what they say but not truly listen to them. Hearing is totally different with listening. By hearing, I am just only hear what the person say and nod or shake my head without really wanted to answer them. Or sometimes, I will just ignore what they had said. However, with listening, it is really need effort to understand and respond to them.

In conclusion, if I really want to become a good listener, I may be putting more effort to listen what others say. And I should not act prematurely without really listen what did others said. I want to become a competence listener.

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