Saturday, June 13, 2009


People need a guiding force to go on living their daily lives. Without this guiding force, many lose their principles of living a decent life and go on to commit crime that usually will not occur if there is a moral virtue that is within them. This virtue can solely be found in the context of religion. To many people this comes in the form of worshipping a God, or in certain religions, Gods.

Religion forms a very solid backbone in which humans a can fall back to in case of dire situations arising. It forms the basis of many of the present cultures that we see around us. Take for example the Malay greeting of "Assalamulaikum", which means "peace be with you", its word origins has Islamic roots. People use this greeting to show humility as well as to embrace another individuals presence. It can also diffuse a potentially tense situation by allowing the person making the greeting to form a very nice first impression in front of others.

People that follow a certain religion are shown to be much more positive when dealing with life problems compared to those that don't. All teachings in every religion requires one to do good, there is not a single religion in the world that teaches its followers to cause hurt towards others. The penchant for people to do good towards others will definitely contribute to the well being of themselves, as well as others around them. Its through the cultivation of good religious values, irregardless of race or culture that maintains harmony in the current society.

Those in society that conform towards leading a good religious life are much more better of than those who do not. Wars have started because of conflicts in religion, but nevertheless, it has been knowned throughout history as a uniting tool rather than one that divides.

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