Monday, June 15, 2009

Hatred, the emotion of all evil

Hatred is one of the worse emotions one person can ever go through. After a heated argument, both parties who are involved in it will as if they are most miserable individuals that ever existed in the entire universe. Hatred is an disturbing emotion in many ways, people often can't eat, sleep or even do their normal everyday routines without a peace of mind.

This emotion is responsible for a lot of relationship breakdowns. Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, brothers and sisters, friends, colleagues, everyone is affected. A long and loving relationship can be broken in a matter of seconds once hatred takes over a person's thoughts and actions. Disagreements on how things are handle or preferences that are not similiar to others are just a fraction of the possible causes of hatred. However, this is just on a relatively small scale. On a bigger picture of what hatred can do to people, you need to look no further than your recent history knowledge. War.

That's right, its war. Every attack, every bullet fired, every bomb dropped is in retaliation to actions of hatred that have been done on individuals involved in the war. An example of this is war going on in Iraq. Allow me to decribe this typical scenario. One fine day, locals are accidentally killed by American bombs, families hate the Americans for this, they join a terrorist organization (al-Qaeda) by becoming fighters to exact revenge on the Americans, and while engaging these local fighters, American lives are lost. This will also bring the emotion of hatred on the American side, and so they kill even more people in return. As a result, this vicious cycle of hatred goes on and on and on without signs of halting.

War is the basis of all of this negative vibes, but take note. All of this can be stopped, both domestic disagreements at home to international ones involving armed conflicts, if all the parties involved can compromise and find common ground in order to maintain harmony.

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