Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Eye contact

“Eyes is the window to your soul”, this is what I heard Shaun said during our human comm class on yesterday. What is eye contact? Does it required in verbal communication? I am wondering whether looking at one’s eyes when he/she is talking is considered respect or being rude to him/her.

I met a girl from Kelana Jaya this morning. This is the second time I met her. We know each other on last Saturday during sport carnival. This means we don’t know each other very well. However, we met at McDonald today and had a conversation for about two hours at there.

Her name is Ping Chi. She has a pair of beautiful and big eyes. I like her eyes so much. Therefore, during the two hours, I almost looked into her eyes when she talked. For me, I think that this is a way to show our respect to the speaker when he/she is talking. However, I tend to make assumptions that others are similar to us again.

On the other hand, Ping Chi doesn’t feel like that. She thinks that looking or staring at one’s eyes is an action that shows one is being aggressive or rude. That’s why she often felt so uncomfortable when I was looking to her eyes when she was talking. She did ask me about that to clarify her thoughts.

This makes me think that misunderstanding and misinterpretation can be occurred in non-verbal communication and also asking questions to clarify it. This is because different people will convey the messages differently.

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