Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Ever felt constricted as if a feeling of paranoid is about overcome you? The feeling that something bad was about to happen but somehow, we feel helpless to do anything? If you do, then you are probably experiencing the feeling of fear.

As humans, the feeling of fear is not something that is very pleasant, nevertheless, it is a very important emotion that all of us require to continue surviving. Without fear, we would be reckless in leading our lives. Never having a second thought to our actions would lead us to committing many more mistakes in life. Fear acts as a gauge towards all the actions that we carry out. In other words, fear prevents most of us from making a fool of ourselves in situations where doing so would not be recommended.

Being able to detect fear would be a skill called empathizing that not all of us could master. But people that do so are extremely capable of manipulating the situation to their advantage as the emotion of fear is such a paralyzing one. One that is hard to comprehend but very easy to experience.

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