Saturday, June 13, 2009

Are Men really from Mars and Women from Venus?

I came across this peculiar book entitled "Are Men from Mars and Women from Venus?" one day. It really made me think hard about what the author of the book was trying to say. After an intense session of brain storming about the title, it turns out the author really does have a good statement on his hands here.
While I did not pick up the book to read its contents, I gladly come to a conclusion about that statement. It seems that the personalities of both sexes really are poles apart. Well, this is based on my previous experiences so far anyway. To further elaborate, take these few examples as evidence. First of all, in terms of communicating, men tend to be more reserved, whereas women are more vocal. In a shouting match, the fairer sex always wins. Men are geared towards more physical actions, the stronger you are physically the more intimidating you'll be, whereas women are more diplomatic, they tend to talk out their problems by coming to negotiations with the parties involved and finding solutions out of compromising. However, if men attempt negotiating instead of fighting, and women fight instead of negotiating, results will indeed be very different. In the case with men, failed negotiations will always lead to more punches being thrown and for women, fights will often lead to seeking forgiveness, a form of compromising.
Secondly, would be the wardrobe that they put on. Men usually wear dark formal colors whereas women tend to like brighter ones. Clothes don't mean much to men, but they certainly do to women. This is because women tend to be more aware of what other people think of them in the clothes that they put on, or their appearances in general. For men, well, they don't really care that much, all they need is something comfy and appropriate and they would be good to go.
I could go on and on about the differences between both genders, so let me just say this to prove my point about what I think are the differences between them. Men and Women, really are from different planets! Althought not literally but rather from a personality point of view, they really are galaxies apart, yet despite this, we will definately not survive if one of the two goes extinct. Very contradicting, but in my opinion, very fortunately true indeed.

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