Thursday, June 4, 2009

Art, the expression of the soul

The ability for humans to decipher abstract thoughts are very unique characteristics for a living being. Abstract thoughts are all based on perceptions of individuals as one single subject can have many different view points depending on many factors. Interpretations of individuals are gathered based on their past experiences and beliefs. This act of abstract interpretation presents itself very clearly in art.

Whenever you see a painting, or a sculpture, it will often invoke a tinge of emotion in you whenever you see it. Even thought its not a living object, the fact that it stirs up feelings is proof that expressions of emotions can be displayed for all to see. The artists or sculptors put in their heart and soul into making the end product, poured out their inner feelings and made them into the work of art.

Paintings and sculptures done by artistic geniuses such as Vincent van Gogh, or Michelangelo are still being admired by people around the world today. Many of them will still attest to the fact that they can find abstract messages hidden within them, and this is all done through the process of abstract imagining.

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