Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Try bringing up any topic of conversation whenever you are in with a company of people, be it friends or total strangers, chances are that they will most likely respond you with their opinions on that particular topic. Now why is this? Why do people suddenly want to be heard? Do they really think that you will give a damn about their opinions? Or are they just attention seekers?

This is a very perplexing dilemma indeed. It would seem that by voicing out their opinions, people would sound as if they were challenging your authority in that conversation, and on the other hand, it can also sound as if they agree with you on what you have just said. Depending on the responses that you receive, interpretation of an opinion will vary as much as it possibly can.

However, do take note that on most occasions, opinions do matter. This is because almost every action that precedes it will be based on your response towards that particular opinion. For example, when someone tells you that you need to stop being so annoying to them, depending on your response, it may bring about a series of different emotions as well as actions being taken out.
(1) You might feel offended, not talk to that person ever again
(2) You might feel guilty for being an annoyance, while trying to seek forgiveness
(3) You might feel like an idiot for not acting your age and try to change your ways in the future

Every single opinion will vary, it may be something short and sweet, or disturbing and harsh, but knowing how to handle them will go a long way in maintaining and fostering good communications skills as well as a successful building of relationships.

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