Friday, July 10, 2009


They live among us, they breathe the same air as we do, they might even look like us. Most importantly, they are the one's whom many look up to for inspiration in times of need, the one's most trusted upon when the situation calls for them, the one's whose every decision made is held in high regard. These are things that set them apart from normal people. Who is this sort of person that I'm talking about? Well, I'm sure the first thing that will come to your mind is that all these characteristics would be that of a leader.

Leaders come from every possible backgrounds imaginable, they ooze confidence as well as the ability to get things going when they take charge. Now, what would qualify any regular person as a leader? Is it their personality? Their ability to give excellent ideas? Or is it an inborn talent? The fact is, anyone can lead, hence the only stumbling block one would have to face would be to actually get people to follow you. How is this achieved?

The way I see it, people who can lead competently are those who are very good speakers. People with this skill are able to use words to their advantage, to cover up their shortcomings and to further enhance the persuasion levels of their speeches. These are people who play with words to lead men under them, no matter how undeserving they might be of their posts. (Think of men like Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin)

However, these very same men can also be the one's who give hope to entire nations, to rally organizations to causes, to set worthy example's of dealing with impossible problems, most importantly, they do what's required of them most effectively. That is to lead! (Think of men like Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela)

Good leadership skills are also the epitome of a great balancing act. For some situations opening spaces to accept changes might be good in order to please everyone, one the other hand, there will also come a time where stern and immediate decisions must be made no matter how inconvenient it is to others. In other words, there can be no equivocation. Decisions of leaders must be firm, and they must stand by their points when challenged.

Situations where people are at a lost of what to do calls for a persons leadership skills to shine, to act like a ray of light that doubles as a guide and an example to follow. Leaders will naturally know what to do when in a tight spot, and they should rightly know that people who follow them are those that place their wholehearted trust in them.

"With great power, comes great responsibility"~Ben Parker

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Try bringing up any topic of conversation whenever you are in with a company of people, be it friends or total strangers, chances are that they will most likely respond you with their opinions on that particular topic. Now why is this? Why do people suddenly want to be heard? Do they really think that you will give a damn about their opinions? Or are they just attention seekers?

This is a very perplexing dilemma indeed. It would seem that by voicing out their opinions, people would sound as if they were challenging your authority in that conversation, and on the other hand, it can also sound as if they agree with you on what you have just said. Depending on the responses that you receive, interpretation of an opinion will vary as much as it possibly can.

However, do take note that on most occasions, opinions do matter. This is because almost every action that precedes it will be based on your response towards that particular opinion. For example, when someone tells you that you need to stop being so annoying to them, depending on your response, it may bring about a series of different emotions as well as actions being taken out.
(1) You might feel offended, not talk to that person ever again
(2) You might feel guilty for being an annoyance, while trying to seek forgiveness
(3) You might feel like an idiot for not acting your age and try to change your ways in the future

Every single opinion will vary, it may be something short and sweet, or disturbing and harsh, but knowing how to handle them will go a long way in maintaining and fostering good communications skills as well as a successful building of relationships.